Saturday, April 27, 2013

Fun Filled Saturday!

Today has been a busy day! Up and out pretty early this morning to have some fun with Texas Fit Chicks from all over N. Texas.... exciting things happening with this group!  Ran home to meet the carpet guy and got my floor back the way it belongs.  Hubby worked, came home and trimmed trees, helped me move furniture back where it belongs and then it was time for a Birthday party. 

Ray's maternal grandmother, Helen Webb turned 98 years old this week.  Wowzer!  We had 5 of the grandkids in attendance and it was so gorgeous outside the fresh air and space for all the little ones to run and crawl around.

BABIES, BABIES EVERYWHERE - This is Ms Hannah Lambert.  Have you ever seen such hair.  Just adorable.

Grandson Bryan and Pops


Ruby was not so sure about all these people but she got over it pretty quick

 Ms. Savannah.... is she giving me the stinkeye?

Uh Oh.... She's workin that lip.

Bryan, Grandmom, Neely with Savannah and Ruby, Trey with William

Swinging makes everything better 

How do you feed all three at one time?  You find six hands.

William happy happy

 Bryan battling it out with Pops

Aunt Jan knows how to make kids happy.  Skylar learning to drive.

 now thats a blanket full of kids!

   Cousin love

 Ray is Grandmom Helen's first Grandson

Miss Ruby

Elmo stealin some sugar

No, no, there's no attitude there

 Funniest moment and nearly a painful one. Skylar decided to make a flying leap over Pops.... it was a close call.

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