Dealing with these people can be difficult but the more they feel valued, the more they will take accountability, ownership and pride in what they do.
Many people get lost in the fluff of everyday life. Kids get lost in the sheer volume of the number of kids in the classroom. The disruptive kids get the “attention” they may need by creating havoc for the teacher. The smart or “gifted” kids get the attention for their academics. What about those in the middle. They deserve accolades as well. They just aren’t as obvious. Sa
me in the workplace, in social groups, etc….
Maybe someone has a small spark of interest in something but are afraid to proceed. Can we not give them a nudge, provide them with some training or coaching to excel at something they are interested in? Personal achievement can go a long long way in building up someone who may feel beat down.
Give someone a goal. Coach them to achieve that goal, provide constructive feedback, not negative criticism. Then, award! Reward! Praise!
We all need to be valued.
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