Sunday, February 8, 2009

Best Friend

If you are a dog lover you no doubt have memories of what you might call the ... "best dog ever". It's amazing how we love our animals. My "best dog ever" was my Fred the Dog. Fred was there when Clay was growing up and I was a single mom. When Clay would go to his dads and I had my off weekends, it was me and Fred. He was my buddy and was always happy to see me. He warmed my feet. He listened to me when I was happy and snuggled up next to me when I was sad.

After Ray came along, he became Ray's buddy too. We lost Fred a few years ago, when he was 17. His little body gave up and it was a huge loss.

My friends lost their Hero this morning. Hero was also one of those "best dogs ever". She was a sweet girl and her little body gave up too. Do they know how much they mean to us? Hero was one of the tiniest little things I've ever seen. My friends had no idea how much they could love something till this little furball came into their lives. I dogsat Hero when she was little and her friend/parents went out of town. Never a cross bark, snarl or growl for her two legged friends. She was a winner and she will be missed.
They are up there now, watching over.

1 comment:

2 Cute Boys said...

I remember sad!