Saturday, April 16, 2011

Chuckee Cheeeeese!!! and other random stuff.

Grandboy Luke's 3rd birthday party was today at Chuckee Cheese.  Now before you groan let me say this,  it was at 9:30 am... now before you groan again...the very best time to go to CC on a Saturday is 9:30am!  Seriously, we had the place to ourselves the whole party!  It was great! the kids had all the games, rides, everything to play with on their own.

Ray and I got to see all the grandkids except Emmy, (she's still too little for CC and a roomful of germs) but I got to see her again all day Friday.   They are all growing so fast!

I also just made plans to see our good friends Shannon and Chris down Houston way next weekend. We haven't seen them since we went to Costa Rica last year! Shannon came up for moms funeral but I got to hug her and that was about it. Then I got online and made our summer lake trip reservations so we (hubby) would be forced to take the time off. He hasn't had enough of that lately. 6 days a week, 12 hour days, on his feet is not a good thing.

A couple of weeks ago the older boys came over to spend the night with us.  We had way too much fun.
I spent a weekend at Richland Chambers Lake with two girlfriends that I've known since 4th grade!

Then, shared a nite out with more long time friends.

Pops and Bryan. 

This is Jake, he'll be 5 next month.  Doesn't seem possible.

Birthday boy Luke hanging with Bob the Builder!

Son in Law Tony thinks I keep my house too cold.

Then, there's Luke with underwear on his head.... maybe he takes after Pops more than we think.

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