Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I started working out back October 1.  I did it dragging my feet, crying, throwing up everything that you see on Biggest Loser!  It was hard, hard, hard.  I am not a morning person so getting up 3 times a week at 4:30am was a battle in itself.  Working out, sweating, running, jumping, lunging and my most hated.... burpees!!!! for an hour went against everything I every claimed.  My normal response when anyone talked about running or working out... "I sweat for one reason only".  Now don't get me wrong, I still don't run.  Hate it with every fiber of my being.  It is not a natural thing for me.  I cannot breathe right.  So, I focus on what I can do. 

The weight was not coming off. What the heck?  Why was I killing myself here?  Then came January.  For some reason it started to kick in.  My clothes fit differently.  My face looked different.  Mid February I did a 2 day cleanse.  My hat is off to those of you who can do a liquid/shake cleanse for more than 2 days.  My body needs to chew.  That also helped with getting past a plateau.  More pounds dropped. 

Last week, when I had to fold over a pair of pants at the waist and pin them closed I decided I needed to go shopping.  From October to mid February, I have come down two pants sizes.  YEA!  So,  it is working.

I also find that I am sleeping better.  Except for Sunday nights.  Why does our mind have to wake up at 9:30pm on Sunday nights.  Yesterday, Monday, I got home and lay down on the couch for just a minute.  Ray and I had a funeral visitation to go to so I just thought I would wait for him.  He woke me up at 7:10 from a dead sleep.  I decided the only place I was going was to my bed.  I slept until he woke me at 7am this morning.  Guess I was tired.

Anyway,  I look forward to working out now.  I have lost 12 pounds and 10.5 total inches from the bod.  Can't quit now!

Texas Fit Chicks are great.

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