Thursday, December 19, 2019

Before They're Gone

Before They’re Gone

Those of you with parents or even grandparents still living, keep talking to them. 
Keep asking them, “tell me more”.

Those opportunities go by so quickly now.
What was it like when they were in first grade? Who was their favorite cousin?
What was their favorite thing to eat that their mom made. Then say "tell me more"

Don’t rush to get off the phone. Drop by.
Don’t turn down a lunch or dinner invite.
Offer to go to the grocery store for them, or with them?
Take them somewhere out of the house. Can you imagine sitting alone all day with no one to talk to?
Ask them about their grandparents.  Get their full names. Then say, “tell me more” 
You’ll want to know this stuff one day.

What’s the first thing they think about when they remember their childhood?
 Did they do family road trips? 
Where were all the places they lived? What was their favorite and why?
Then say "tell me more"

Be Patient
Let them tell the story 9 times. Then say, “tell me more”.
Was your dad or granddad in a war?  What did his wife do when he was gone?
Sit with them and go through old pictures.  Find out who those people are. Find out the stories.  Then say, “tell me more”. 

Did they have to go without things when they were growing up?
What was their favorite Christmas present or memory?

Ask for their advice.
Then say, "Tell them more."

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